Cabramatta Site; Arthur West Memorial Hall
11.2.2025: Valentines Day Crafting
18.2.2025: Pretty Paper Lanterns
4.3.2025: Autumn Paper Leaves Garland
18.3.2025: Paper Flower Wreath
1.4.2025: Glass Jar Decoupage
Register today:
Contact us today...
Phone: (02) 9794 0150
Arthur West Memorial Hall
Mcburney Road, Cabramatta 2166
(Located in Cabravale Memorial Park,
behind PCYC Fairfield - Cabramatta)
Open hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Closed for lunch daily between 1.00pm – 2.00pm
A women's health and well-being initiative, primarily centered on supporting migrant, refugee and disadvantaged women residing with the Fairfield Local Government Area. Fairfield Women's Health Service is jointly auspiced by Bankstown Women's Health Centre and Liverpool Women's Health Centre, and funded by NSW Health through South Western Sydney Local Health District.
©2023 Fairfield Women's Health Service