Outreach services for women play a crucial role in addressing the diverse needs and challenges faced by women in various communities.
Outreach Services
FWHS work closely with schools and community hubs across the LGA to deliver a wide range of health talks to the community.
One key aspect of outreach services for women is the provision of information and education on a wide range of topics, including health, safety, legal rights and economic opportunities.
Another vital component of outreach services is ensuring accessibility to healthcare, preventive care, family planning, reproductive health, counselling and legal aid.
We also strive to raise awareness about domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment. We provide a safe space for women to seek support, counselling and legal assistance.
For further information, please contact us on the form below.
Contact us today...
Phone: (02) 9794 0150
Arthur West Memorial Hall
Mcburney Road, Cabramatta 2166
(Located in Cabravale Memorial Park,
behind PCYC Fairfield - Cabramatta)
Open hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Closed for lunch daily between 1.00pm – 2.00pm
A women's health and well-being initiative, primarily centered on supporting migrant, refugee and disadvantaged women residing with the Fairfield Local Government Area. Fairfield Women's Health Service is jointly auspiced by Bankstown Women's Health Centre and Liverpool Women's Health Centre, and funded by NSW Health through South Western Sydney Local Health District.
©2023 Fairfield Women's Health Service