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Liverpool Women’s Health Centre

Liverpool Women’s Health Centre has been delivering quality health services to improve the lives of women in South Western Sydney for over forty years.

We are a non-government, not for profit organisation. Funding is received from the NSW Ministry of Health to operate a community based, multidisciplinary and holistic health service for women. 

Liverpool Women’s Health Centre offers a broad range of client-centred, evidence-based, primary and preventative health care services and programs. These services aim to improve the health and wellbeing of women, particularly women experiencing disadvantage. Services and programs are offered free or at low cost and are provided by professional, qualified and experienced practitioners. 

Liverpool Women’s Health Centre operates from a feminist perspective under a social model of health. Our service provision is based on principles of social justice and an understanding of a gendered approach to health. We are an Incorporated Association and registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) as a Charity with Public Benevolent Institution status.

We are well recognised within our community as a safe space for women. Our Centre is wheelchair accessible and located within the Liverpool Central Business District, easily accessed by public transport.


We are accredited at certificate level of the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) and we are a member organisation of Women’s Health NSW, the peak body for all non-government Women’s Health Centre’s in NSW. 

Liverpool Women’s Health Centre has a long and proud history and we celebrate our reputation as a trusted and dynamic provider of women’s health care services.

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Contact us today...


Phone: (02) 9794 0150

Arthur West Memorial Hall
Mcburney Road, Cabramatta 2166
(Located in Cabravale Memorial Park, 
behind PCYC Fairfield - Cabramatta)

​Open hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Closed for lunch daily between 1.00pm – 2.00pm

A women's health and well-being initiative, primarily centered on supporting migrant, refugee and disadvantaged women residing with the Fairfield Local Government Area. Fairfield Women's Health Service is jointly auspiced by Bankstown Women's Health Centre and Liverpool Women's Health Centre, and funded by NSW Health through South Western Sydney Local Health District.

©2023 Fairfield Women's Health Service

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